Trimensions Shares Experience on 3DXplorer

Trimensions, long time Altadyn partner, a leading design boutique based in India, with a very deep knowledge of virtual worlds, including Second Life and Opensim, shares its experience with 3DXplorer through a recent article.

Rahul Dutta, Trimensions leader says: “…Some things are really well thought out. For one thing, visitors can sign in as ‘guests’ with only a name needed to identify them….”

He continues: “…One thing sets 3DXplorer apart from pretty much all the other virtual and Web3D platforms I’ve used- it allows native import of 3D models into a 3DXplorer scene in 3DS, OBJ and DAE formats”.

Read The full article here.

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US Air Force project done on 3DXplorer by Aptima.

Aptima’s Dr. John Feeney is presenting a poster on their work done with the US Air Force Research Lab, during the   Federal Consortium for Virtual World (FCVW) annual event, at the National Defense University in Washington D.C., on May 13th and May 14th , 2010.

Learn more about the project here:

US Airforce and Aptima using 3DXplorer

Aptima Inc., a leader in Human Centered Engineering with offices in Washington DC, Boston and Ohio is an early Altadyn customer using 3DXplorer. Learn more about Aptima here.

Watch A Recorded Video of CloudSlam10, The Global Virtual Event on Cloud Computing.

During the CloudSlam10™ Virtual Conference, from Mach 23rd , 2010 to March 25th,  with thousands of visitors, Altadyn provided CloudSlam’10™ delegates, with two 3D spaces;

  1. CloudSlam™ C – Level Lounge™: An exclusive virtual space reserved for V.I.P delegates that have been selected to attend this gathering.
  2. CloudSlam™ Virtual Expo™: – A communal virtual environment, profiling CloudSlam’10™ key solutions partners; each with their own virtual booth

The recorded video below shows how visitors discovered the virtual venues built in 3DXplorer, communicated with the exhibitors and netwroked with each other, in a unique immersive and engaging environment while easily accessible.

Enjoy the video!

Federal Consortium for Virtual World (FCVW) Virtual Conference on 3DXplorer.

We are pleased to host the virtual streaming of the  Federal Consortium for Virtual World (FCVW) annual event, at the National Defense University in Washington D.C., on May 13th and May 14th , 2010.

The FCVW, also a 3DXplorer client, is using both the Meet-in-3D application (note the navigation bar on the home page), and the Online Meeting application for webinars.

Sign up for live webinars from Altadyn CEO Darius Lahoutifard featuring new integrated in-world voice technology.

Click here for the 3DXplorer streaming agenda.

3DXplorer is the most accessible platform hosting the event and the only one which does not require neither installation nor registration. Hundreds of visitors are expected to attend FCVW 2010 conference virtually on 3DXplorer. Want to be one of those? Want to see how the new VOIP works in 3DXplorer?  Sign up now.

Built-in Web-native Browser-based VOIP in 3DXplorer: You asked for it, you got it!

As a customer-driven company, Altadyn has constantly been listening to users demands and Voice over Internet Protocol commonly called VOIP, was on top of the list since a while.  To satisfy our customers, we evaluated several VOIP technologies on the market, but noticed that they all require that the end-users download a client software. We believe that 3D web conferencing and virtual events markets will become mainstream only if they are easy to use, and accessible to all. That’s why we developed our own java based VOIP technology which works seamlessly in the browser.  With what we have come up with, in order to attend a meeting, a user just presses on the invitation link received by e-mail and enters the space; he/she immediately hears the attendees voice; nothing to install, no other action required.

The VOIP enabled version is available to all users as of this week, under “Test”. To use it, login to your account, then open your 3D space settings page, under tab “Version” you usually see “LastRelease”. Change it to “Test”. As soon as you do this change, any visitor entering this space will be using the test release, which has Voice enabled.

When a new user walks into your voice-enabled space, he/she will hear whatever is going on in the room, but he/she is not heard, until the “Voice” button is activated. This button appears on the upper left corner of the screen.

A voice icon appears over the head of the avatar who talks, so that everyone can notice who’s talking.

Moderators can cut voice by pressing the  “Mute Audience” button at any time.

Beside the cutting edge VOIP feature, new functionalities have been released:

–          2 weeks free trial for all 3DXplorer products,

–          New meeting planner with invitation text supporting 8 different languages for 3DX/Online Meeting and 3DX/Conferencing

–          Customized invitation templates for 3DX/Online Meeting and 3DX/Conferencing

–          Drastically enhanced features for software developers using 3DX/API

Enjoy the new features, and give feedback to us. Your opinion matters!

Very Large Virtual Tradeshows Now Possible With Support Of AMAZON EC2

We are now supporting AMAZON EC2 web services by offering standard pre-configured instances with 3DXplorer, ready for customers’ virtual events. The easy replication of these instances enables Virtual Tradeshows with over 50,000 attendees over a few days to go full immersive 3D.
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier and more accessible.

High Performance, Reliable, Flexible, Inexpensive, Accessible, Highly Scalable and Easy-to-set-up, … all the criteria are gathered for using AMAZON EC2’s web services for virtual events. Very large Virtual Trade-shows can now be scaled up at a fraction of the cost of alternative solutions, while offering full immersion and interactivity, thanks to the replication of 3DXplorer spaces over the cloud.

Mid-size publishers, conference organizers and trade-show professionals of any size can now develop high-end 3D immersive virtual events solutions, without spending for costly infrastructures. They can use the high-end platform tailored exactly to their needs, with reliable and performing servers in the right geography (East Coast US, West Coast US, Europe, Asia), for just a few days (duration of the event).

AMAZON EC2 servers were used recently during CloudSlam’10™, a global conference on Cloud Computing held on 3DXplorer in March 2010, with thousands of participants from around the globe. Commenting on the conference success, CloudSlam’10™ Chairman – Khazret Sapenov said “Altadyn’s platform helped our conference to introduce new products this year, 3D virtual exhibition and networking lounge, adding more business value for both exhibitors and attendees.”