Hybrid Conference (multi platform) and Poster Session (exclusively on 3DXplorer) .
May 12 & May 13, 2011

Virtual Events are free of charge. Please register here.

Presenting FCVW Conference 2011, Dr. Paulette Robinson, PhD, Associate Dean for Teaching, Learning &Technology at the National Defense University, iCollege wrote: “Federal Consortium for Virtual World Conference (FCVW): Headed for the Future at the National Defense University in Washington DC, May 12-13 with a great lineup of pre-conference workshops, May 11. We have four incredible keynotes and a wonderful lineup of panels on the program. The government poster sessions are even better than last year (if that is possible). In addition, the vendor fair will offer some interesting surprises this year…”

More information about FCVW conference.

Program details here.


Government Poster Session - FCVW 2011 Virtual - 3DXplorer

Government Poster Session - FCVW 2011 Virtual - 3DXplorer

Please make sure you have an updated java installation. Mac’s are OK too. If needed, install the latest java from http://www.java.com .
Chat is activated in both halls.
Audio is activated in both halls but talking is disabled in the conference room: In the exhibit hall, for quality audio, please make sure you have a headset with a microphone if you need to talk and engage conversations with other attendees. If no microphone, then chat is the preferred way for networking.

If needed, a 2 minute Quick Guide Video is available here : “How to attend a Virtual conference in 3DXplorer”




FCVW 2011 Virtual Conference on 3DXplore - National Defense University

Enjoy your 3D experience.

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Why Virtual Events Look Like In-Person Events?

Since we launched ALTADYN 9 years ago, we regularly hear the above question. Why Virtual Events Look Like In-Person Events? Why Meeting in a 3D space ? Why using AVATARS? Why not having Virtual Events user-interface as simple as buying a book on AMAZON or renting a movie on NETFLIX ? Etc…

A few consultants who covered this space have done a decent work answering to these questions, including FROST & SULLIVAN (who predicts more “presence” will be required in Virtual Events), and THINKBALM (who has published several reports on this matter).

We see a few reasons why Virtual Events NEED to look like in-person events if they want to become mainstream:

  • 3D immersive creates the Sense of Presence, and the Feeling of the Space
  • Avatars lead to more « Human » Interactions, more engaging, more networking among attendees
  • Avatars and 3D immersive lead to stronger Visual Memory of the Meeting
  • Importing 3D objects improves communication and collaboration on 3D virtual products
Virtual Events: 3D avatar based Tradeshow with 3DXplorer

Virtual Events: 3D avatar based Tradeshow with 3DXplorer

Have you ever questioned why corporations have always spent so much time and money in building well designed and greatly architect-ed headquarters, and reception areas? Do you have the same feeling when you walk in an underground dark railway station hallway, compared to when walking in a bright glass bridge with a green landscape around your meeting room? Are you familiar with the emotions that environments create in you?

The 3D immersive environment and its design by itself creates feelings in each attendee. Now add the fact that you see another avatar in front of you talking and/or chatting. Is it the same sense of communication compared to trying to visualize someone just by their name, in text, in the lower right corner of the screen?

Connecting attendees into a virtual event, so that they can see slides, hear a presenter, watch a video (live streamed or not), or even chat to each other, is a resolved problem since 10-15 years ago ( by Webex and webex like platforms). The same way netflix has done with movie watchers  or Amazon has done with book readers or Facebook has done for friends… a simple easy way to accomplish the needed tasks mentioned above. But why do people still go massively to in-person events?

The demand is now for more HUMAN Interaction, more ENGAGEMENT and for virtual events which are closer to the in-person events. So that the attendee “FEELS” like he/she is “THERE”, and interacts with the exhibitors and with other attendees.

Some book buyers, those who miss the human interaction and the seller’s advice, continue to drive a car and go to Barnes & Noble to buy a book where they spend a lot more time and money than just ordering online. Why do they do that? Because they miss something AMAZON is not offering today.

Now for Virtual Events, the HUMAN aspect is even much more crucial than for AMAZON. The goal of Virtual Events vendors should be to enable attendees participate to more events, get more content, be more engaged, connect more to each other, enjoy the experience and even have fun. All this in less time and at a lower cost than the in-person event. That’s why everyone tries to create that SENSE of PRESENCE. Some do it with background images(full-size 3D generated), and some go further with 3D immersive, avatar based solutions. In a platform like 3DXplorer, you can virtually “walk” on the same floor as other attendees, shake hand with each other, use your laser pointer to point out something on a slide or show an object to someone, see where each person is looking at, etc…you FEEL being in the same place. PRESENCE makes sense this way.

Now, are ALL Virtual Events going to look like in-person events? No. But unlike AMAZON for books, here we have the larger market who has not yet gone virtual, despite solutions being available since 10-15 years. because most virtual event platforms can’t provide that feeling of presence, and they simply don’t facilitate networking and engagement that is effective or fun.

If the Virtual Events market wants to deliver on its growth promises, it needs to develop something fundamentally different than Webex which will capture those in-person events.

Register for one of our upcoming webinars and give it a try, and Feel free to react…

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Virtual Events: Why Settle For 2D or even 2.5D, If You Can Maximize Networking with Full 3D?

Attendees socialize and network naturally in Full 3D as it’s more engaging, gives a closer to face-to-face experience, and more real! Attendees are free to walk to where ever they like in an exhibition hall, or inside a booth, engage in conversations with others through Voice/IP, private chat or global chat, access to each other’s public profile and get the best of a virtual show. 3DXplorer is:

* More Networking
* More Engagement
* Closer to Face-to-Face
.Virtual Event: Virtual Trade Show
See for yourself. Attend  a Live Full 3D presentation and see if it works for your next Virtual Event !

The best way to see what your attendees will feel is to try it by yourself and attend one of our own virtual conferences in full 3D. If you like it as an attendee, then your virtual event’s attendees will love it.

To participate to a 3DXplorer Virtual Event, register here.

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Watch A Recorded Video of CloudSlam10, The Global Virtual Event on Cloud Computing.

During the CloudSlam10™ Virtual Conference, www.CloudSlam10.com from Mach 23rd , 2010 to March 25th,  with thousands of visitors, Altadyn provided CloudSlam’10™ delegates, with two 3D spaces;

  1. CloudSlam™ C – Level Lounge™: An exclusive virtual space reserved for V.I.P delegates that have been selected to attend this gathering.
  2. CloudSlam™ Virtual Expo™: – A communal virtual environment, profiling CloudSlam’10™ key solutions partners; each with their own virtual booth

The recorded video below shows how visitors discovered the virtual venues built in 3DXplorer, communicated with the exhibitors and netwroked with each other, in a unique immersive and engaging environment while easily accessible.

Enjoy the video!

Very Large Virtual Tradeshows Now Possible With Support Of AMAZON EC2

We are now supporting AMAZON EC2 web services by offering standard pre-configured instances with 3DXplorer, ready for customers’ virtual events. The easy replication of these instances enables Virtual Tradeshows with over 50,000 attendees over a few days to go full immersive 3D.
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier and more accessible.

High Performance, Reliable, Flexible, Inexpensive, Accessible, Highly Scalable and Easy-to-set-up, … all the criteria are gathered for using AMAZON EC2’s web services for virtual events. Very large Virtual Trade-shows can now be scaled up at a fraction of the cost of alternative solutions, while offering full immersion and interactivity, thanks to the replication of 3DXplorer spaces over the cloud.

Mid-size publishers, conference organizers and trade-show professionals of any size can now develop high-end 3D immersive virtual events solutions, without spending for costly infrastructures. They can use the high-end platform tailored exactly to their needs, with reliable and performing servers in the right geography (East Coast US, West Coast US, Europe, Asia), for just a few days (duration of the event).

AMAZON EC2 servers were used recently during CloudSlam’10™, a global conference on Cloud Computing held on 3DXplorer in March 2010, with thousands of participants from around the globe. Commenting on the conference success, CloudSlam’10™ Chairman – Khazret Sapenov said “Altadyn’s platform helped our conference to introduce new products this year, 3D virtual exhibition and networking lounge, adding more business value for both exhibitors and attendees.”